BuildKit provides APIs for running interactive containers based on built images. It was possible to use these APIs to ask BuildKit to run a container with elevated privileges. Normally, running such containers is only allowed if special security.insecure entitlement is enabled both by buildkitd configuration and allowed by the user initializing the build request.
{ "review_status": "REVIEWED", "url": "" }
{ "imports": [ { "path": "", "symbols": [ "Solver.Solve", "ValidateEntitlements", "llbBridge.Exec", "llbBridge.Run", "provenanceBridge.Solve" ] }, { "path": "", "symbols": [ "BridgeClient.NewContainer", "GatewayForwarder.Solve", "LLBBridgeToGatewayClient" ] }, { "path": "", "symbols": [ "newController" ] }, { "path": "", "symbols": [ "NewContainer" ] }, { "path": "", "symbols": [ "NewBridgeForwarder", "gatewayFrontend.Solve", "llbBridgeForwarder.NewContainer", "newBridgeForwarder", "serveLLBBridgeForwarder" ] } ] }