A malicious registry can cause Trivy to leak credentials for legitimate registries such as AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Google Cloud Artifact/Container Registry, or Azure Container Registry (ACR) if the registry is scanned from directly using Trivy. These tokens can then be used to push/pull images from those registries to which the identity/user running Trivy has access. This vulnerability only applies when scanning container images directly from a registry. If you use Docker, containerd or other runtime to pull images locally and scan them with Trivy, you are not affected. To enforce this behavior, you can use the --image-src flag to select which sources you trust.
{ "review_status": "REVIEWED", "url": "https://pkg.go.dev/vuln/GO-2024-2870" }
{ "imports": [ { "path": "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/fanal/image/registry/azure" }, { "path": "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/fanal/image/registry/ecr", "symbols": [ "ECR.CheckOptions" ] }, { "path": "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/pkg/fanal/image/registry/google", "symbols": [ "Registry.CheckOptions" ] } ] }