In cups-filters before 1.0.53, out-of-bounds accesses in the processbrowsedata function when reading the packet variable could leading to a crash, thus resulting in a denial of service (CVE-2014-4337).
In cups-filters before 1.0.53, if there was only a single BrowseAllow line in cups-browsed.conf and its host specification was invalid, this was interpreted as if no BrowseAllow line had been specified, which resulted in it accepting browse packets from all hosts (CVE-2014-4338).
The CVE-2014-2707 issue with malicious broadcast packets, which had been fixed in Mageia Bug 13216 (MGASA-2014-0181), had not been completely fixed by that update. A more complete fix was implemented in cups-filters 1.0.53 (CVE-2014-4336).
Note that only systems that have enabled the affected feature by using the CreateIPPPrinterQueues configuration directive in /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf were affected by the CVE-2014-2707 / CVE-2014-4336 issue.