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Feature update for SUSE Manager Client Tools

This feature update fixes the following issues:


  • Move configuration files ownership to apache (bsc#1195906)
  • Make configuration files only readable by root (bsc#1193671, CVE-2021-45083)


  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.32.1 (jsc#SLE-22863)
    • Bugfixes:
      • Scrape: Fix reporting metrics when sample limit is reached during the report. #9996
      • Scrape: Ensure that scrape interval and scrape timeout are always set. #10023
      • TSDB: Expose and fix bug in iterators' Seek() method. #10030
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.32.0
    • Change:
      • remote-write: Change default max retry time from 100ms to 5 seconds. #9634
    • Features:
      • Agent: New mode of operation optimized for remote-write only scenarios, without local storage.
      • Promtool: Add promtool check service-discovery command. #8970
    • Enhancements:
      • Promtool: Improve test output. #8064
      • Promtool: Use kahan summation for better numerical stability.
      • Remote-write: Reuse memory for marshalling. #9412
      • Scrape: Add scrapebodysizebytes scrape metric behind the --enable-feature=extra-scrape-metrics flag. #9569
      • TSDB: Add windows arm64 support. #9703
      • TSDB: Optimize query by skipping unneeded sorting in TSDB.
      • Templates: Support int and uint as datatypes for template formatting. #9680
      • UI: Prefer rate over rad, delta over deg, and count over cos in autocomplete. #9688
      • TSDB: Add more size checks when writing individual sections in the index. #9710
      • PromQL: Make deriv() return zero values for constant series.
      • TSDB: Fix panic when checkpoint directory is empty. #9687
      • TSDB: Fix panic, out of order chunks, and race warning during WAL replay. #9856
      • UI: Correctly render links for targets with IPv6 addresses that contain a Zone ID. #9853
      • Promtool: Fix checking of authorization.credentialsfile and bearertokenfile fields. #9883
      • Uyuni SD: Fix null pointer exception during initialization.
      • TSDB: Fix queries after a failed snapshot replay. #9980
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.31.1
    • Bugfix:
      • SD: Fix a panic when the experimental discovery manager receives targets during a reload. #9656
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.31.0
    • UI: Remove standard PromQL editor in favour of the codemirror-based editor. #9452
    • PromQL: Add trigonometric functions and atan2 binary operator. #9239 #9248 #9515
    • Remote: Add support for exemplar in the remote write receiver endpoint. #9319 #9414
    • SD: Add PuppetDB service discovery. #8883
    • SD: Add Uyuni service discovery. #8190
    • Web: Add support for security-related HTTP headers. #9546
    • Azure SD: Add proxyurl, followredirects, tlsconfig. #9267
    • Backfill: Add --max-block-duration in promtool create-blocks-from rules. #9511
    • Config: Print human-readable sizes with unit instead of raw numbers. #9361
    • HTTP: Re-enable HTTP/2. #9398
    • Kubernetes SD: Warn user if number of endpoints exceeds limit. #9467
    • OAuth2: Add TLS configuration to token requests. #9550
    • PromQL: Several optimizations. #9365 #9360 #9362 #9552
    • PromQL: Make aggregations deterministic in instant queries.
    • Rules: Add the ability to limit number of alerts or series.
    • SD: Experimental discovery manager to avoid restarts upon reload.
    • UI: Debounce timerange setting changes. #9359
    • Backfill: Apply rule labels after query labels. #9421
    • Scrape: Resolve conflicts between multiple exported label prefixes. #9479 #9518
    • Scrape: Restart scrape loops when scrapeinterval is changed. #9551
    • TSDB: Fix memory leak in samples deletion. #9151
    • UI: Use consistent margin-bottom for all alert kinds. #9318
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.30.3
    • TSDB: Fix panic on failed snapshot replay. #9438
    • TSDB: Don't fail snapshot replay with exemplar storage disabled when the snapshot contains exemplars. #9438
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.30.2
    • TSDB: Don't error on overlapping m-mapped chunks during WAL replay. #9381
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.30.1
    • Remote Write: Redact remote write URL when used for metric label. #9383
    • UI: Redact remote write URL and proxy URL passwords in the /config page. #9408
    • promtool rules backfill: Prevent creation of data before the start time. #9339
    • promtool rules backfill: Do not query after the end time.
    • Azure SD: Fix panic when no computername is set. #9387
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.30.0
    • experimental TSDB: Snapshot in-memory chunks on shutdown for faster restarts. #7229
    • experimental Scrape: Configure scrape interval and scrape timeout via relabeling using scrapeinterval and scrapetimeout labels respectively. #8911
    • Scrape: Add scrapetimeoutseconds and scrapesamplelimit metric. #9247 #9295
    • Scrape: Add --scrape.timestamp-tolerance flag to adjust scrape timestamp tolerance when enabled via --scrape.adjust-timestamps. #9283
    • Remote Write: Improve throughput when sending exemplars.
    • TSDB: Optimise WAL loading by removing extra map and caching min-time #9160
    • promtool: Speed up checking for duplicate rules. #9262/#9306
    • Scrape: Reduce allocations when parsing the metrics. #9299
    • docker_sd: Support host network mode #9125
    • Exemplars: Fix panic when resizing exemplar storage from 0 to a non-zero size. #9286
    • TSDB: Correctly decrement prometheustsdbheadactiveappenders when the append has no samples. #9230
    • promtool rules backfill: Return 1 if backfill was unsuccessful. #9303
    • promtool rules backfill: Avoid creation of overlapping blocks. #9324
    • config: Fix a panic when reloading configuration with a null relabel action. #9224
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.29.2
    • Fix Kubernetes SD failing to discover Ingress in Kubernetes v1.22. #9205
    • Fix data race in loading write-ahead-log (WAL). #9259
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.29.1
    • TSDB: align atomically accessed int64 to prevent panic in 32-bit archs. #9192
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.29.0
    • Changes:
      • Promote --storage.tsdb.allow-overlapping-blocks flag to stable. #9117
      • Promote --storage.tsdb.retention.size flag to stable. #9004
      • Add Kuma service discovery. #8844
      • Add presentovertime PromQL function. #9097
      • Allow configuring exemplar storage via file and make it reloadable. #8974
      • UI: Allow selecting time range with mouse drag. #8977
      • promtool: Add feature flags flag --enable-feature. #8958
      • promtool: Add filesd file validation. #8950
      • Reduce blocking of outgoing remote write requests from series garbage collection. #9109
      • Improve write-ahead-log decoding performance. #9106
      • Improve append performance in TSDB by reducing mutexes usage.
      • Allow configuring maxsamplespersend for remote write metadata. #8959
      • Add metagceinterfaceipv4<name> meta label to GCE discovery. #8978
      • Add metaec2availabilityzoneid meta label to EC2 discovery. #8896
      • Add metaazuremachinecomputername meta label to Azure discovery. #9112
      • Add metahetznerhcloudlabelpresent<labelname> meta label to Hetzner discovery. #9028
      • promtool: Add compaction efficiency to promtool tsdb analyze reports. #8940
      • promtool: Allow configuring max block duration for backfilling via --max-block-duration flag. #8919
      • UI: Add sorting and filtering to flags page. #8988
      • UI: Improve alerts page rendering performance. #9005
      • Log when total symbol size exceeds 2^32 bytes, causing compaction to fail, and skip compaction. #9104
      • Fix incorrect target_limit reloading of zero value. #9120
      • Fix head GC and pending readers race condition. #9081
      • Fix timestamp handling in OpenMetrics parser. #9008
      • Fix potential duplicate metrics in /federate endpoint when specifying multiple matchers. #8885
      • Fix server configuration and validation for authentication via client cert. #9123
      • Allow start and end again as label names in PromQL queries. They were disallowed since the introduction of @ timestamp feature. #9119
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.28.1
    • HTTP SD: Allow charset specification in Content-Type header.
    • HTTP SD: Fix handling of disappeared target groups. #9019
    • Fix incorrect log-level handling after moving to go-kit/log.
  • Upgrade to upstream version 2.28.0
    • UI: Make the new experimental PromQL editor the default.
    • Linode SD: Add Linode service discovery. #8846
    • HTTP SD: Add generic HTTP-based service discovery. #8839
    • Kubernetes SD: Allow configuring API Server access via a kubeconfig file. #8811
    • UI: Add exemplar display support to the graphing interface.
    • Consul SD: Add namespace support for Consul Enterprise. #8900
    • Promtool: Allow silencing output when importing / backfilling data. #8917
    • Consul SD: Support reading tokens from file. #8926
    • Rules: Add a new .ExternalURL alert field templating variable, containing the external URL of the Prometheus server. #8878
    • Scrape: Add experimental bodysizelimit scrape configuration setting to limit the allowed response body size for target scrapes. #8833 #8886
    • Kubernetes SD: Add ingress class name label for ingress discovery. #8916
    • UI: Show a startup screen with progress bar when the TSDB is not ready yet. #8662 #8908 #8909 #8946
    • SD: Add a target creation failure counter prometheustargetsyncfailedtotal and improve target creation failure handling. #8786
    • TSDB: Improve validation of exemplar label set length. #8816
    • TSDB: Add a prometheustsdbcleanstart metric that indicates whether a TSDB lockfile from a previous run still existed upon startup. #8824
    • UI: In the experimental PromQL editor, fix autocompletion and parsing for special float values and improve series metadata fetching. #8856
    • TSDB: When merging chunks, split resulting chunks if they would contain more than the maximum of 120 samples. #8582
    • SD: Fix the computation of the prometheussddiscoveredtargets metric when using multiple service discoveries. #8828
  • Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified:


  • Version 4.3.4-1
    • Fix installation problem for SLE15SP4 due missing python-selinux


  • Fix inspector module export function (bsc#1097531)
  • Wipe NOTIFY_SOCKET from env in cmdmod (bsc#1193357)
  • Fix possible traceback on ip6_interface grain (bsc#1193565)
  • Don't check for cached pillar errors on state.apply (bsc#1190781)
  • Simplify 'transactional_update' module to not use SSH wrapper and allow more flexible execution
  • Add '--no-return-event' option to salt-call to prevent sending return event back to master.
  • Make 'state.highstate' to acts on concurrent flag.


  • Version 4.3.7-1
    • Include group formulas configuration in spacecmd groupbackup and spacecmd grouprestore. This changes backup format to json, previously used plain text is still supported for reading (bsc#1190462)
    • Fix interactive mode for 'systemapplyerrata' and 'errataapply' (bsc#1194363)
  • Version 4.3.6-1
    • Update translation strings


  • Version 4.3.6-1
    • Update translation strings

Affected packages