CVE-2017-9798: Prevent use-after-free use of memory that allowed for an
information leak via OPTIONS (bsc#1058058)
CVE-2017-9788: Uninitialized memory reflection in modauthdigest could have
lead to leakage of potentially confidential information, and a segfault in
other cases resulting in DoS (bsc#1048576).
CVE-2017-7679: mod_mime could have read one byte past the end of a buffer
when sending a malicious Content-Type response header (bsc#1045060).
CVE-2017-3169: modssl may dereferenced a NULL pointer when third-party
modules call aphookprocessconnection() during an HTTP request to an HTTPS
port allowing for DoS (bsc#1045062).
CVE-2017-3167: Use of the apgetbasicauthpw() by third-party modules
outside of the authentication phase may have lead to authentication
requirements being bypassed (bsc#1045065).
These non-security issues were fixed:
remove /usr/bin/http2 symlink only during apache2 package
uninstall, not upgrade (bsc#1041830)
gensslcert: use hostname when fqdn is too long (bsc#1035829)