This update for ImageMagick fixes the following issues:
The following security vulnerabilities were fixed:
CVE-2018-16329: Prevent NULL pointer dereference in the GetMagickProperty
function leading to DoS (bsc#1106858)
CVE-2018-16323: ReadXBMImage left data uninitialized when processing an XBM
file that has a negative pixel value. If the affected code was used as a
library loaded into a process that includes sensitive information, that
information sometimes can be leaked via the image data (bsc#1106855)
CVE-2018-14434: Fixed a memory leak for a colormap in WriteMPCImage
CVE-2018-14435: Fixed a memory leak in DecodeImage in coders/pcd.c
CVE-2018-14436: Fixed a memory leak in ReadMIFFImage in coders/miff.c
CVE-2018-14437: Fixed a memory leak in parse8BIM in coders/meta.c
Disable PS, PS2, PS3, XPS and PDF coders in default policy.xml (bsc#1105592)