CVE-2021-25219: Fixed flaw that allowed abusing lame cache to severely degrade resolver performance (bsc#1192146).
CVE-2021-25220: Fixed potentially incorrect answers by cached forwarders (bsc#1197135).
CVE-2022-0396: Fixed a incorrect handling of TCP connection slots time frame leading to deny of service (bsc#1197136).
The following non-security bugs were fixed:
Update to release 9.16.31 (jsc#SLE-24600).
Logrotation broken since dropping chroot (bsc#1200685).
A non-existent initialization script (eg a leftorver
'createNamedConfInclude' in /etc/sysconfig/named) may cause named
not to start. A warning message is printed in named.prep and
the fact is ignored.
Also, the return value of a failed script was not handled properly
causing a failed script to not prevent named to start. This
is now fixed properly.
[bsc#1199044, vendor-files.tar.bz2]