This update for python-nltk fixes the following issues:
Update to 3.4.5 (boo#1146427, CVE-2019-14751):
CVE-2019-14751: Fixed Zip slip vulnerability in downloader for the
unlikely situation where a user configures their downloader to use
a compromised server (boo#1146427)
Update to 3.4.4:
fix bug in plot function (
add improved PanLex Swadesh corpus reader
add Text.generate()
add QuadgramAssocMeasures
add SSP to tokenizers
return confidence of best tag from AveragedPerceptron
make plot methods return Axes objects
don't require list arguments to PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier.train
fix Tree classes to work with native Python copy library
fix inconsistency for NomBank
fix random seeding in LanguageModel.generate
fix ConditionalFreqDist mutation on tabulate/plot call
fix broken links in documentation
fix misc Wordnet issues
update installation instructions
Version update to 3.4.1:
add chomskynormalform for CFGs
add meteor score
add minimum edit/Levenshtein distance based alignment function
allow access to collocation list via text.collocation_list()
support corenlp server options
drop support for Python 3.4
other minor fixes
Update to v3.4:
Support Python 3.7
New Language Modeling package
Cistem Stemmer for German
Support Russian National Corpus incl POS tag model
Krippendorf Alpha inter-rater reliability test
Comprehensive code clean-ups
Switch continuous integration from Jenkins to Travis
Updated to v3.3:
Support Python 3.6
New interface to CoreNLP
Support synset retrieval by sense key
Minor fixes to CoNLL Corpus Reader
Fixed minor inconsistencies in APIs and API documentation