- functions ('Procedures') defined within asteval have a
method, now use in repr
- add support for deleting subscript
- nested symbol tables now have a Group() function
- update coverage config
- cleanups of exception handling : errors must now have an
- several related fixes to suppress repeated exceptions: see GH
#132 and #129
make non-boolean return values from comparison operators
behave like Python - not immediately testing as bool
- fix NameError handling in expression code
- make exception messages more Python-like
- security fixes, based on audit by Andrew Effenhauser, Ayman
Hammad, and Daniel Crowley, IBM X-Force Security Research
- remove numpy modules polynomial, fft, linalg by default for
security concerns
disallow string.format(), improve security of f-string
- fix (again) nested list comprehension (Issues #127 and #126).
- add more testing of multiple list comprehensions.
- more complete support for Numpy 2, and removal of many Numpy
symbols that have been long deprecated.
- remove AST nodes deprecated in Python 3.8.
- clean up build files and outdated tests.
- fixes to codecov configuration.
update docs.
- fixes for multiple list comprehensions (addressing #126)
- add testing with optionally installed numpy_financial to CI
- test existence of all numpy imports to better safeguard
against missing functions (for safer numpy 2 transition)
update rendered doc to include PDF and zipped HTML
- add deprecations message for numpy functions to be removed in
numpy 2.0
- comparison operations use try/except for short-circuiting
instead of checking for numpy arrays (addressing #123)
- add Python 3.12 to testing
- move repository from 'newville' to 'lmfit' organization
update doc theme, GitHub locations pointed to by docs, other
doc tweaks.
- cleanup numpy imports to avoid deprecated functions, add financial
functions from numpy_financial module, if installed.
- prefer 'user_symbols' when initializing Interpreter, but still support
'usersyms' argument. Will deprecate and remove eventually.
- add support of optional (off-by default) 'nested symbol table'.
- update tests to run most tests with symbol tables of dict and nested
group type.
- general code and testing cleanup.
- add config argument to Interpreter to more fully control which nodes are supported
- add support for import and importfrom -- off by default
- add support for with blocks
- add support for f-strings
- add support of set and dict comprehension
fix bug with 'int**int' not returning a float.
bug fixes
- add support for Python 3.11
- add support for multiple list comprehensions
improve performance of making the initial symbol table,
and Interpreter creation, including better checking for index_tricks attributes
more cleanups
fix setup.py again
- fixes import errors for Py3.6 and 3.7, setting version with
importlib_metadata.version if available.
- use setuptools_scm and importlib for version
treat all dunder attributes of all objects as inherently unsafe.
- another important but small fix for Python 3.9
Merge branch 'nestedinterruptsreturns'
- drop python2
- few fixes