This update for nodejs12 fixes the following issues:
Update to LTS release 12.13.0 (jsc#SLE-8947).
Security issues fixed:
CVE-2019-9511: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to window size manipulations (bsc#1146091).
CVE-2019-9512: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to floods using PING frames (bsc#1146099).
CVE-2019-9513: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to resource loops, potentially leading to a denial of service (bsc#1146094).
CVE-2019-9514: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to a reset flood, potentially leading to a denial of service (bsc#1146095).
CVE-2019-9515: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to a SETTINGS frame flood (bsc#1146100).
CVE-2019-9516: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to a header leak, potentially leading to a denial of service (bsc#1146090).
CVE-2019-9517: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to unconstrained interal data buffering (bsc#1146097).
CVE-2019-9518: Fixed the HTTP/2 implementation that was vulnerable to a flood of empty frames, potentially leading to a denial of service (bsc#1146093).
CVE-2019-13173: Fixed a file overwrite in the fstream.DirWriter() function (bsc#1140290).